Here is one of our visitors in our Kowhai. The tree has grown slightly skewed, I think due to the weight of these guys! They are lovely to have and under the tree there is a small Kowhai nursery. One transplanted so far, and three small seedlings still to carefully relocate.
A little research in the neighbourhood I have found a wonderful Australian Frangipani tree. I tracked these down to Ardmore nurseries and now we have one in our front garden.
From little things big things grow. That small tree is going to spread to fill this space and provide screening of our driveway from the street - watch this space.
Fast growing and evergreen, and a height that will be manageable.
And then to the working area - round the back the new shed. Although tucked away the advantage is it will only have garden things inside. Too close and all sorts end up in there :)
Path created from some concrete slabs about the place. There will be some green screening which will evolve in time too - watch this space.