Friday, January 9, 2015

Off the Needles

Finally finished my second pair of socks, courtesy of a car trip recently.

Hand knitted wool socks
I realise that this time of year is not the temperatures that make you think of knitting, but a sock is a small portable project!!


This week my local Emporium had cotton tape in stock, so I was able to finish some aprons in the pile.
Apron made from recycled bedspread

These are made from a piece of fabric a friend gave me last year, originally an old bedspread.  There was a generous amount so I have 4 aprons in production,couple for home, the others for gifts.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Something for the pyjama drawer.

Yesterday I sewed up a couple of pairs of PJ pants.  Surprised myself how quickly they came together.  I used a Vogue pattern from my collection, 7054, and I have made these pants before.  Two pieces so really easy to make.
First pair in stripe, a piece of fabric from my cupboard, and it was completely used up on these pants - perfect.

Second pair I made from a recycled table cloth, also in my cupboard.  I am working on a quilt with table cloths, but this fabric was slightly off theme, yet perfect for a pair of pants, as the fabric is very soft.

I think I will call them my bush wren pants, as there sport a kiwi and a bush wren.  They also have an eclectic mix of Provincial New Zealand Buildings, including the Canterbury Cathedral, and Rotorua Rotunda. Sort of kitsch Kiwiana I guess.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

On a roll

With the machine up there is nothing like a quick look in the stash while there is momentum about.  I bought this pattern inspired by a Fabric Store blog.  The was purchased with the takings after selling off excess fabric at the Fabric-a-Brac, (very very disciplined I thought).
The fabric was also purchased at The Fabric Store, at an earlier time, ahem, but now it is a dress, hooray.

Vogue V8805 in Linen from The Fabric Store

So now I know what I will be wearing when I go back to work 2015!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year Holiday Making

A lovely start to 2015 at my sewing machine.  I received a gift of some sheer fabric, collected by a special friend from the road side inorganic collection.

I created a top with two rectangles, a couple of seams, and added a belt.  The hemming and seams were far less scary then I imagined, and have given me confidence to embark on a few other pieces in the stash.

Then as a final challenge I have installed the Blogger App to publish this post, nothing like a New Year to prompt new skills.