Sunday, September 15, 2013

# 15

Barn Square # 16
Yes, yes another square!!
This one with some odd and sods sort of wool - the brown was slightly finer than required so I combined it with the end of something else - created the yellow stripe.
WIP Barn Raising Quilt
The pile is growing - 16 complete squares now.  Not that I want my life to be about counting off lists, but it is useful to have a measure of progress!
I am going to investigate plastic knitting needles which can be taken on aeroplanes as I do have a long flight soon and reckon I could knit en route.
Knitted Squares so far - Barn Raising Quilt

I received a message this week was a quote; go into your studio to find something rather than make something and chance us your friend.  Isn't that lovely, and for me, finding lots of bits and bobs, it is very apt.

1 comment:

  1. Wooden needles have been fine for me on planes...good scheme, I'll be bringing some
